S2. Optical Waveguides and Communications
Optical Waveguides and Communications I
Dec. 1, 2023 13:00-15:00
Presider: |
Prof. Yung-Jr Hung (National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan)
Prof. Yi-Jen Chiu (National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan) |
Room: |
92171 (1F) |
Notes: |
13:00 - 13:30
Manuscript ID. 0636
Paper No. 2023-FRI-S0201-I001
Invited Speaker: Rai-Kou Takahashi
Multi-functional Silicon Photonic Devices by Micro-transfer Printing
Rai-Kou Takahashi, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Japan)
Recent advances and prospects for nano- to micrometer-thick heterogeneous integration using micro-transfer
printing method will be presented. Current silicon photonic devices with this approach can realize high-performance and reduced-footprint laser sources, isolators, modulators, and 3D photonics device stacking.
13:30 - 13:45
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0382
Paper No. 2023-FRI-S0201-O001
Tsai-Man Wu
Bi-Directional Fiber-FSO-5G Wireless Systems with Polarization-Orthogonal Modulation Scheme
Tsai-Man Wu, Wei-Xiang Chen, Chih-Hong Lin, Jia-Lian Jin, Yan-Zhen Xu, Hai-Han Lu, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan)
A bi-directional fiber-FSO-5G wireless system with polarization-orthogonal modulation scheme for downstream y-polarized 10-Gbps/38-GHz and 1-Gbps/4.4-GHz and upstream x-polarized 10-Gbps/26-GHz and 1-Gbps/3.7-GHz 16-QAM-OFDM signals transmission is successfully realized. It shows a promising system as it makes progress for bi-directional 5G emerging applications.
13:45 - 14:00
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0854
Paper No. 2023-FRI-S0201-O002
Tzu-Chieh Wei
Maximal-Ratio Combining for Spatial Diversified Rx in Free Space Optical Communication
Tzu-Chieh Wei, Yun-Han Jian, Chih-Chun Wang, Chi-Wai Chow, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Chien-Hung Yeh, Feng Chia University (Taiwan)
The maximal-ratio-combining (MRC) algorithm is demonstrated in a single-input-multi-output (SIMO) free-space-optical communication (FSOC) system with two receivers (Rxs). 1.4-dB gain is achieved at the forward-error-correction (FEC) threshold.
14:00 - 14:15
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0762
Paper No. 2023-FRI-S0201-O003
Wei-Rong Zhuo
Optimization of Differential-Phase-Shift Quantum Key Distribution for Enhanced Key Rate
Wei-Rong Zhuo, Ming-Sheng Chen, Yuh-Renn Wu, National Taiwan University (Taiwan)
In this research, we employed a well-established discrete event simulator to modularize the DPS QKD configuration. The modular simulator allowed us to analyze the impact of the clock rate and the dead time of a single photon detector on the key rate at different communication distances. Through this investigation, we gained insights into achieving improved key rates in practical QKD systems while considering cost-effectiveness. Additionally, we investigated the influence of the number of pulses in each block during QKD transmission on the key rate and quantum bit error rate, followed by proposing optimization results for maximizing the key rate.
14:15 - 14:30
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0414
Paper No. 2023-FRI-S0201-O004
Chih-Chun Wang
Experimental Demonstration of 100-m Free-Space Optical Communication (FSCO) for Mobile Mid/Front-Haul in Cloud Radio Access Network (C-RAN)
Chih-Chun Wang, Yin-He Jian, Tzu-Chieh Wei, Tun-Yao Hung, Jian-Wen Chen, Jia-Fu Li, Ming-Chieh Tsai, Chi-Wai Chow, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Chien-Hung Yeh, Feng Chia University (Taiwan)
We experimental demonstrate and characterize a 100-m free-space-optical-communication (FSOC) for the mobile mid/front-haul in cloud-radio-access-network (C-RAN). 37.58 Gbit/s/λ transmission link is achieved fulfilling the pre-forward-error-correction bit-error-ratio (pre-FEC BER = 3.8 × 10−3).
14:30 - 14:45
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0612
Paper No. 2023-FRI-S0201-O005
Tun-Yao Hung
200 Gbit/s/λ High Speed PAM4 Signal Processing using MZI-based Optical Neural Network (ONN)
Tun-Yao Hung, Ching-Wei Peng, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); David W.U Chan, Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong); Pin-Cheng Kuo, Guan-Hong Chen, Chi-Wai Chow, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Chien-Hung Yeh, Feng Chia University (Taiwan); Hon Ki Tsang, Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
We propose an optical-neural-network (ONN) to classify 4-level-pulse-amplitude-modulation (PAM4) with high intersymbol-interference (ISI), which was experimentally generated by silicon-microring modulator (SiMRM) of ~47-GHz bandwidth. Result shows that soft-decision-forward-error-correction (SD-FEC) is achieved at 200 Gbit/s transmission.
14:45 - 15:00
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0570
Paper No. 2023-FRI-S0201-O006
Chih-Chuan Chiu
High-Speed 106.25 Gb/s VCSELs for 800G Datacom and Telecom Applications
Chih-Chuan Chiu, Yun-Cheng Yang, Wei-Hsin Chen, Guei-Ting Hsu, Chao-Hsin Wu, National Taiwan University (Taiwan)
In this letter, we review the advancement of oxide-confined VCSELs in the context of both 25 Gb/s and 50 Gb/s datacom applications. Additionally, we delve into essential attributes for 800G Ethernet applications, mandating VCSELs to perform at data rates of 56 Gb/s in NRZ modulation and 106 Gb/s in PAM-4 modulation. Furthermore, we present the successful demonstration of a VCSEL boasting a remarkable bandwidth of 33.4 GHz and an impressively low RIN of -150 dB/Hz. This achievement culminates in the realization of single-channel 106.25 Gb/s transmission.
S2. Optical Waveguides and Communications
Poster Session I
Dec. 1, 2023 13:30-16:30
Presider: |
Room: |
Building of Electrical Engineering (電機系館) (B1) |
Notes: |
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0015
Paper No. 2023-FRI-P0201-P001
Yan-Zhen Xu
Fiber-FSO-5G NR Wireless Converged Systems-Based 3D Floating Museum
Yan-Zhen Xu, Jia-Lian Jin, Tsai-Man Wu, Chih-Hong Lin, Wei-Xiang Chen, Hai-Han Lu, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan)
Fiber-FSO-5G NR wireless converged systems feature high-speed and long-distance transmissions. Fiber-FSO-5G NR wireless converged systems-based 3D floating museum transmits a large amount of high-definition cultural relic data. A lifelike presentation is presented to the viewers.
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0018
Paper No. 2023-FRI-P0201-P002
Jia-Lian Jin
Fiber-FSO-5G NR/6G Hybrid Systems
Jia-Lian Jin, Wei-Xiang Chen, Tsai-Man Wu, Yan-Zhen Xu, Chih-Hong Lin, Hai-Han Lu, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan)
Transmission sub-THz/THz signals over fiber-FSO-5G NR/6G hybrid systems are successfully realized. It is a promising system that utilizes multiple media to achieve a 227.912-Gb/s record-high aggregate net bit rate. The development of fiber-FSO-5G NR/6G hybrid system represents a substantial development in the field of advanced communications.
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0749
Paper No. 2023-FRI-P0201-P003
Tzu-I Hsieh
Lateral-Current-Injection III-V/SOI Electroabsorption Modulator with High-Modulation Efficiency by Selective Undercut Wet Etching
Tzu-I Hsieh, Wei-Chen Lin, Rih-You Chen, Yang-Jeng Chen, Wen-Kuan Hsu, Jyun-Ye Chu, Bo-Hong Chen, Yi-Hsin Fang, Chen-Yu Weng, National Sun Yat-Sen University (Taiwan); Wei Lin, LandMark Optoelectronics Corporation (Taiwan); Yi-Jen Chiu, National Sun Yat-Sen University (Taiwan)
A lateral-current-injection (LCI) electro-absorption modulator (EAM) based on a novel fabrication step, has been demonstrated in this work. By selective undercut wet etching (SUWE) of InGaAsP active region, LCI structure can be realized to allow thin caped cladding layer of EAM waveguide, enhancing optical mode confinement. High optical modulation efficiency of over 18 dB at -3V has been shown, along with a large operational bandwidth.
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0784
Paper No. 2023-FRI-P0201-P004
Yin-He Jian
Experimental Demonstration of Efficiency Enhanced Delta-Sigma Modulator (DSM) for Mobile Front-Haul
Yin-He Jian, Tzu-Chieh Wei, Chi-Wai Chow, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Chien-Hung Yeh, Feng Chia University (Taiwan)
We propose and experimentally demonstrate an efficiency enhanced 2-bit delta-sigma modulator (DSM) using multi-stage-noise-shaping (MASH) structure. Record efficiencies of 1.025 and 1.15 at hard-decision and soft-decision pre-forward-error-correction criteria are achieved when compared with other DSMs.
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0878
Paper No. 2023-FRI-P0201-P005
Zheng-Xiang Liao
High-Q ring resonators with low-confined silicon nitride waveguides
Zheng-Xiang Liao, Chin-Wei Lin, Pei-Hsun Wang, NCU (Taiwan)
We demonstrate low-confined silicon nitride waveguide resonators with a high intrinsic quality (Q) factor of 4.7×10⁵ and a propagation loss of 0.57 dB/cm at 1550 nm. This high-Q device, fabricated by mass-productive and cost-effective I-line (365nm) stepper lithography, can be tuned using an integrated heater.
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0713
Paper No. 2023-FRI-P0201-P006
Kai-Hong Lo
Demonstration of a non-invasive optoelectronic probe for monitoring the phase information of a tunable 2-by-2 Mach-Zehnder interferometer in Si photonic circuits
Kai-Hong Lo, Bo-Xian Ke, Ming-Chang Lee, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)
An integrated non-invasive optoelectronic optical probe is presented for real-time monitoring the phase information of a tunable 2×2 Mach-Zehnder-interferometer (MZI) beam splitter. This optoelectronic optical probe can be monolithically integrated into the MZI-based programmable photonic integrated circuit for phase error pre-calibration.
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0447
Paper No. 2023-FRI-P0201-P007
Jia-En Chen
Room-temperature sputtered GaN waveguide resonators for photonic applications
Jia-En Chen, Shih-Hsin Wu, Zhi-Guang Chen, Hung-Sheng Liu, Sheng-Hui Chen, Pei-Hsun Wang, NCU (Taiwan)
In this work, we fabricate amorphous gallium nitride (GaN) microring resonators on a silicon-based substrate using high-power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) for GaN thin-film deposition. HiPIMS enables direct deposition of high-quality, flat GaN films onto the silicon substrate with a 4 µm buried oxide layer at room temperature. Microring resonators with a 0.2 µm gap achieve critical coupling and a high extinction ratio of ≈ 24 dB. The microring exhibits a high intrinsic quality factor of up to 3×104. This work opens possibilities for cost-effective GaN waveguides on amorphous substrates, facilitating integration in optical communication, nonlinear, and quantum photonics applications.
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0428
Paper No. 2023-FRI-P0201-P008
Yu-Tong Lee
Earth rotation measurement using silicon photonics enabled fiber optic gyroscope
Yu-Tong Lee, Yen-Chieh Wang, Yung-Jr Hung, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan)
We applied silicon photonics enabled fiber optic gyroscope for Earth rate characterization. The measured rate of north-south orientation is about 13.87±0.5 deg/hr, while near-zero output rate is observed for west-east orientation. Those values are very close to the actual Earth rotation rate.
Manuscript ID. 0219
Paper No. 2023-FRI-P0201-P009
Jui-Hung Chen
Particle Swarm Optimized Silicon Polarization Beam Splitter based on Subwavelength Grating Waveguide
Jui-Hung Chen, Shuo-Yen Tseng, National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)
In this work, we propose a polarization beam splitter (PBS) based on a subwavelength grating (SWG) structure with a compact length of only 10.3 μm. The perfect phase matching condition can be achieved in the TM mode, while a significant phase mismatch is observed in the TE mode. Optimization of the PBS is performed using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to enhance the Extinction Ratio (ER) of both TE and TM modes.
Manuscript ID. 0629
Paper No. 2023-FRI-P0201-P010
Kai-Hung Lo
High-Efficiency Si3N4-Si Waveguide Mode Converters for Si Photodetectors Operating at 1030 nm Wavelength
Tung-Hung Su, Kai-Hung Lo, Ming-Chang Lee, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)
A high-efficient Si3N4-Si waveguide mode converter is designed to implement a high-responsivity Si photodetector at the 1030 nm wavelength band. With an optimal design on the mode converter structure, the length of the mode converter is only 6 m long and the conversion loss is 0.49 dB.
Manuscript ID. 0810
Paper No. 2023-FRI-P0201-P011
Ika Novitasari
Device Structure for Hybrid Integration of Active III-V Materials on Standard SOI Photonic Platform
Ika Novitasari, San-Liang Lee, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)
We investigate the feasibility of hybrid active III-V on an SOI platform with a standard 220 nm Si rib waveguide. The bonding interface thickness is optimized to obtain high coupling, and a tapering structure is used to bridge the III-V active section to the passive III-V coupling section. A high coupling efficiency of 97.15% successfully could be achieved at 1550 nm wavelength. The high coupling performance over 90% for over the 150 nm wavelength range has been achieved with good phase matching and mode matching conditions between the super-modes of the hybrid structure.
Manuscript ID. 0334
Paper No. 2023-FRI-P0201-P012
Shih-Chi Kao
Characterization of a Gas-Filled Capillary Waveguide Coupled with Ultrafast Laser Pulses
Shih-Chi Kao, Jia-Wen Gu, Jian-He Lin, Kai-Xiang Li, National Central University (Taiwan); Hsu-Hsin Chu, National Central University (Taiwan), Center for High Energy and High Field Physics (Taiwan)
An assembly of gas-filled capillary waveguide is developed for the research of laser-plasma interaction. The performance is evaluated in situ by using 800-nm intense femtosecond pulses. Beam quality is maintained under the conditions of laser intensity up to 1×10^16 W/cm^2 and gas density up to 2 × 10^19 cm^−3.
Manuscript ID. 0714
Paper No. 2023-FRI-P0201-P013
Ting-Hao Wang
Background Interference Mitigation for Visible Light Communication (VLC) Using Carrierless Amplitude Phase Modulation (CAP)
Ting-Hao Wang, Yu-Ting Cheng, Cing-Yun Li, Jiun-Yu Sung, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)
Visible light communication (VLC) has great potential for offloading the radio traffic of the wireless systems. The performance of the VLC signals is sensitive to the background illumination interference due to the spectrum overlap. The carrierless amplitude phase modulation (CAP) signal features band-pass spectrum; hence is more tolerable to the relatively slow background interference. In our simulation, we show that the 4-CAP signal can attain bit error rate (BER) <10^-9 while the operation Vpp is ~60% of the LED’s maximum specified level; and at the criterion for BER=10^-3, it requires merely ~30% operation Vpp of the on-off keying (OOK) signal.
Manuscript ID. 0208
Paper No. 2023-FRI-P0201-P014
Lan-Yin Chen
Self-Healing Integrated Fiber-FSOC WDM Access Network with Fault Protection
Lan-Yin Chen, Yu-Ting Lai, Chun-Yen Lin, Kuan-Ming Cheng, Deng-Yao Yang, Ching-Hsuan Hsu, Chien-Hung Yeh, Feng Chia University (Taiwan); Chi-Wai Chow, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)
We present and design a blended WDM-PON construction to deliver both baseband and fiber-free space optical communication (FSOC) signals by using dual wavelength bands in an available bandwidth. Here, we can use some additional components in the optical line termination (OLT) and optical network unit (ONU)/optical wireless network (OWU) to produce a self-protected operation in the proposed fiber-FSO WDM network against fiber breakage.
S2. Optical Waveguides and Communications
Optical Waveguides and Communications II
Dec. 1, 2023 15:15-17:30
Presider: |
Prof. Jian-Jang Huang (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Prof. Ying-Jung Chang (National Central University, Taiwan) |
Room: |
92171 (1F) |
Notes: |
15:15 - 15:45
Manuscript ID. 0381
Paper No. 2023-FRI-S0202-I001
Invited Speaker: Milton Feng
Cryogenic Oxide-VCSELs for 4K Optical Data Link
Milton Feng, Haonan Wu, Wenning Fu, Derek Chaw, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA)
The rise of the Internet and AI has led to a spike in demand for computational resources and cloud services. High-speed and power-efficient superconducting processors based on single flux quantum (SFQ) technology at 4 K and fiber data transferring in quantum computing can be a viable solution. In this work, the high-speed optically packaged oxide-VCSELs operated down to 2.9 K are reported with the record speed of 54 Gbps NRZ and 100 Gbps PAM-4 data transmission. Furthermore, a superconducting processor for directly modulating an oxide-VCSEL coupled with OM4 fiber is demonstrated for 20 Gb/s NRZ for 4K full data link.
15:45 - 16:00
Manuscript ID. 0335
Paper No. 2023-FRI-S0202-O001
Reinhard Geiss
Low-loss lithium niobate integrated photonic devices fabricated on wafer-scale
Reinhard Geiss, Andre Steinbach, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering (Germany); Mohammadreza Younesi, Johannes Mühlenstädt, Thomas Käsebier, Institute of Applied Physics (Germany); Frank Setzpfandt, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering (Germany), Institute of Applied Physics (Germany); Thomas Siefke, Institute of Applied Physics (Germany); Thomas Pertsch, Falk Eilenberger, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering (Germany), Institute of Applied Physics (Germany)
Lithium niobate is a popular material in integrated photonics due to its optical and electro-optic properties. It is used in low-loss waveguides for high-speed and high integration density photonic devices. This technology enables integration of various devices on a single chip for quantum technology and telecom applications. Here, we present waveguide devices such as modulators, micro-ring resonators and frequency converters having losses below 0.1 dB/cm. The challenges of wafer-scale fabrication will also be discussed.
16:00 - 16:15
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0457
Paper No. 2023-FRI-S0202-O002
Shou-Ming Chen
Reflected Mirror integrated with Distributed-feedback laser for 3D photonic integration
Shou-Ming Chen, Chung-Wei Hsiao, Yong-Kuan Guo, Cheng-En Jiang, Bo-Ming Chen, Yang-Jeng Chen, Rih-You Chen, Chen-Yu Weng, Yi-Jen Chiu, National Sun Yat-Sen University (Taiwan)
Distributed-feedback laser integrated with slanted mirror had been demonstrated on Si photonics, enabling 3D photonic integration. 4mW output has been transferred into grating coupler.
16:15 - 16:30
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0437
Paper No. 2023-FRI-S0202-O003
Yu-Yun Tzeng
Silicon photonics enabled multi-function integrated optic circuit with hybrid III-V photodiode for miniaturized fiber optic gyroscope
Yu-Yun Tzeng, Ting-Hsuan Kuo, Tzu-Jung Kuo, Sin-Yun Lu, Wei-Xuan Chen, Yen-Chieh Wang, Liang-Xuan Lan, Yung-Jr Hung, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan)
We demonstrate a fiber optics gyroscope by employing a silicon photonics multi-function integrated optical circuit with hybrid integrated photodiode on top of grating coupler. This approach enables a high polarization extinction ratio of 51.3 dB when the light propagates from fiber coil to the photodiode, thus enables tactical-grade gyroscope performance.
16:30 - 16:45
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0218
Paper No. 2023-FRI-S0202-O004
Yu-Fang Lo
Adiabaticity engineered silicon polarization independent directional coupler for the O-band
Yu-Fang Lo, Hung-Ching Chung, Shuo-Yen Tseng, National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)
Applying multi-parameter adiabaticity engineering protocol (MPAE), we propose a broadband and polarization independent directional coupler on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform. The simulation shows that when the coupling length of the designed coupler is 273 μm, the coupling efficiency is higher than 99% for both TE and TM mode at a wavelength of 1310 nm. It also exhibits high wavelength tolerance of 200 nm and presents ultra-low IL and large ER within the optical range.
16:45 - 17:00
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0427
Paper No. 2023-FRI-S0202-O005
Yu-Hsien Lin
Remote photovoltaic driven fiber optic gyroscope system
Yu-Hsien Lin, Rou-Shiuan Shen, Tzu-Jung Kuo, Wei-Xuan Chen, Yen-Chieh Wang, Yung-Jr Hung, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan)
We demonstrate a silicon photonics-based fiber optics gyroscope for potential application in autonomous underwater vehicle, and is powered by a high-voltage photovoltaic cell through 980-nm laser emitted remotely.
17:00 - 17:15
Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID. 0543
Paper No. 2023-FRI-S0202-O006
Yun-Ting Wang
Study of Small Core Chromium-doped Crystal Fiber Employing AI-Assisted Growth System
Yun-Ting Wang, National Chung Hsing University (Taiwan); Kai-Chieh Chang, National Taiwan University (Taiwan); Chia-Ling Tsai, Chun-Nien Liu, National Chung Hsing University (Taiwan); Sheng-Lung Huang, National Taiwan University (Taiwan); Wood-Hi Cheng, National Chung Hsing University (Taiwan)
A novel artificial intelligence assisted laser-heated pedestal growth system (AI-LHPG) for fabricating a 300-nm broadband single-mode Cr-doped crystalline core fibers (SMCDFs) are demonstrated. This SMCDF with 12-μm core diameter and a 20-cm fiber length shows the gross gain was 18.04-dB at 1550-nm wavelength.
17:15 - 17:30
Manuscript ID. 0206
Paper No. 2023-FRI-S0202-O007
Yu-Wei Liu
Silicon Photonics Apodized Vertical Grating Coupler For Efficient Mode Multiplexing Between Few Mode Fiber and SOI Chip
Shao-Ru Lin, Yu-Wei Liu, Yi-Jang Hsu, Yinchieh Lai, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)
We have designed a silicon photonics apodized vertical grating coupler that can multiplex three modes (one fundamental and two first orders) into a few mode fiber with reasonably equalized high efficiencies and small cross-talks.
S2. Optical Waveguides and Communications
Optical Waveguides and Communications III
Dec. 2, 2023 10:45-12:00
Presider: |
Prof. Shih-Hsiang Hsu (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan) |
Room: |
92171 (1F) |
Notes: |
10:45 - 11:00
Manuscript ID. 0185
Paper No. 2023-SAT-S0203-O001
Ming-Chieh Tsai
PAM4 Rolling Shutter Based Optical Camera Communication In Foggy Environment Using Machine Learning
Ming-Chieh Tsai, Shang-Yen Tsai, Jia-Fu Li, Jian-Wen Chen, Yun-Han Chang, Chi-Wai Chow, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Chien-Hung Yeh, Feng Chia University (Taiwan)
We demonstrate and characterize a 4-level pulse-amplitude-modulation (PAM4) optical-camera-communication (OCC) system under foggy environment. The proposed Long-Short-Term-Memory-Neural-Network (LSTM-NN) can mitigate the high pass loss due to scattering in the foggy environment.
11:00 - 11:15
Manuscript ID. 0144
Paper No. 2023-SAT-S0203-O002
Ayuka Nakamura
Orbital Angular Momentum Mode Recognition Based on Sparse Coding for Beams Affected by Underwater Turbulence
Ayuka Nakamura, Hiroki Kishikawa, Tokushima University (Japan); Shien-Kuei Liaw, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)
We evaluate the performance of the mode recognition based on sparse coding for OAM beams affected by turbulence in underwater optical wireless communication. Since the sparse coding is a linear model machine learning process, the mode recognition results outperform the usual optics-based mode recognition using an inverse phase multiplication and a spatial filter.
11:15 - 11:30
Manuscript ID. 0319
Paper No. 2023-SAT-S0203-O003
Yong-Xuan Lee
Blue Semipolar GaN Micro-LED for Short-Reach LiFi
Pin-Wei Ho, National Taiwan University (Taiwan); Chih-Hsien Cheng, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (Japan); Yu-Sheng Liao, Yu-Chieh Chi, SANway Optoelectronics tech. Corp. (Taiwan); Po-Lun Chen, Yong-Xuan Lee, Guan-Yi Wu, National Taiwan University (Taiwan); Hao-Chung Kuo, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan), Hon Hai Research Institute (Taiwan); Gong-Ru Lin, National Taiwan University (Taiwan), Tektronix Inc. and National Taiwan University (Taiwan)
The optimized transmission throughput of the blue semipolar u-LED is demonstrated to perform 0.75m desktop point-to-point LiFi at 2.5-Gbps NRZ-OOK and 1.6-GBaud 16-QAM-OFDM with performing the signal-to-noise-ratio pre-emphasis algorithm.
11:30 - 11:45
Manuscript ID. 0187
Paper No. 2023-SAT-S0203-O004
Jia-Fu Li
Rolling Shutter Based Optical Camera Communication Using Light-Diffusing Fiber for Spatial Multiplexing
Jia-Fu Li, Shang-Yen Tsai, Shang-Yen Tsai, Jian-Wen Chen, Yun-Han Chang, Chi-Wai Chow, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Chien-Hung Yeh, Feng Chia University (Taiwan)
We demonstrate an optical-camera-communication (OCC) system using light-diffusing-fibers (LDFs) for spatial-multiplexing. When the two LDFs are 0.5-cm side-by-side, 1.5-kbit/s-per-LDF is achieved. An aggregated data rate of 48-kbit/s could be estimated using LDF spatial-multiplexing.
11:45 - 12:00
Manuscript ID. 0083
Paper No. 2023-SAT-S0203-O005
Yuki Hirasawa
Compensation Performance for Atmospheric Turbulence-Induced Phase Fluctuation on Multiplexed OAM Beams
Yuki Hirasawa, Hiroki Kishikawa, Junichi Fujikata, Tokushima University (Japan)
Intensity and phase distributions of multiplexed OAM beams propagating in free space fluctuate due to atmospheric turbulence. To discriminate the modes of the multiplexed OAM beam at the receiver, it is necessary to reduce the effect of turbulence-induced phase variation. We evaluate the parameters of a reference OAM beam having a single azimuthal mode that compensates for such turbulence effects on the 30-mode multiplexed OAM beams, based on the optical compensation method using a reference beam and a wavefront sensor.
S2. Optical Waveguides and Communications
Optical Waveguides and Communications IV
Dec. 2, 2023 13:00-15:00
Presider: |
Prof. Borwen You (National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan)
Prof. Chia-Yi Huang (Tunghai University, Taiwan) |
Room: |
92171 (1F) |
Notes: |
13:00 - 13:30
Manuscript ID. 0635
Paper No. 2023-SAT-S0204-I001
Invited Speaker: Chengkuo Lee
Advances in Mid IR Optical Waveguides and Applications
Chengkuo Lee, National University of Singapore (Singapore)
Guided-wave nanophotonics that manipulate light-matter interactions at the nanoscale, is an appealing technology for diversified biochemical and physical sensing applications with high sensitivity and small footprints. Recently, the mid-infrared (mid-IR, 2-20 µm wavelength) that encompasses multiple atmospheric windows and abundant molecular absorption fingerprints presents a significant growth opportunity for integrated photonics, with applications ranging from clinical diagnosis to astronomical spectroscopy. Here, we provide an overview of the recent advances in research on mid-IR optical waveguides and their emerging applications.
13:30 - 13:45
Manuscript ID. 0060
Paper No. 2023-SAT-S0204-O001
Yung-Chun Hsu
Periodic Square Donut Waveguides
Yung-Chun Hsu, Guan-Yi Lin, Chii-Chang Chen, National Central University (Taiwan)
This paper investigates the photonic band gap of periodic square donut waveguides. The structure is capable of producing a diffractionless light beam. We study the focus at the output of the donut waveguide. The lens effect with ultra-high numerical aperture of 0.947 is found.
13:45 - 14:00
Manuscript ID. 0065
Paper No. 2023-SAT-S0204-O002
Po-Hsiang Chiu
Shallow-ridge silicon nitride polarization beam splitter based on asymmetrical directional couplers
Po-Hsiang Chiu, Chun-Ta Wang, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan); Wen-Hsien Huang, Hsing-Hsiang Wang, Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute (Taiwan)
In this work, we demonstrated a shallow-ridge silicon nitride polarization beam splitter based on an asymmetric directional coupler structure. The simulation results show that the extinction ratio of the PBS is greater than 10 dB for transverse-electric polarization in the range from 1450 to 1555 nm and transverse magnetic polarization in the range from 1497 to 1650 nm.
14:00 - 14:15
Manuscript ID. 0150
Paper No. 2023-SAT-S0204-O003
Yong-Jyun Chen
Silicon Nitride-based High Order Ring Resonators for a Box-Like Response
Hsing-Hsiang Wang, Wen-Hsien Huang, Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute (Taiwan); Chun-Ta Wang, Yong-Jyun Chen, National Sun Yat-Sen University (Taiwan)
In this work, we proposed and simulated a high-order micro-ring resonators based on silicon nitride waveguides. The results show that when the number of coupled rings increases, the spectrum of micro-ring resonators exhibits a more box-like response. The design
can reduce the crosstalk in optical propagation.
14:15 - 14:30
Manuscript ID. 0668
Paper No. 2023-SAT-S0204-O004
Zong-Ming Chang
Broadband polarization beam splitter based on asymmetric waveguide geometry on silicon-on-insulator for O-band telecom wavelengths
Zong-Ming Chang, Yung-Jr Hung, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan)
We propose a polarization beam splitter (PBS) with sinusoidal bends for O-band wavelengths. The PBS is designed on an asymmetric silicon waveguide enabled by localized air trench formation provided by the foundry, and exhibit a polarization extinction ratio exceeding 20 dB with low insertion loss.
14:30 - 14:45
Manuscript ID. 0203
Paper No. 2023-SAT-S0204-O005
Jing-Xuan Chen
Experimental Characterization of a Three-Mode Silicon Photonics Vertical Grating Coupler for Fiber-Chip Mode Division Multiplexing
Yuan-Zhe Lin, Yi-Jang Hsu, Shi-Chieh Hsu, Jing-Xuan Chen, Yinchieh Lai, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)
We experimentally demonstrate and characterize a vertical grating coupler capable of multiplexing/de-multiplexing three modes (one fundamental and two first-order modes) between a few-mode fiber and the silicon photonics chip. The best coupling efficiencies are around −5 dB with the cross-talks better than -15dB.
14:45 - 15:00
Manuscript ID. 0426
Paper No. 2023-SAT-S0204-O006
Po-Chou Hung
Low-loss waveguide bend enabled silicon micro-ring modulator
Po-Chou Hung, Ruei-Shen Wang, Chih-Hsien Chen, Yung-Jr Hung, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan)
We employ a low-loss waveguide bend design having gradually-changed width and bending radius to realize a high-speed silicon micro-ring modulator (MRM) for o-band. The resultant silicon MRM enables a tuning efficiency of 35 pm/V, a quality factor of 5020, and an electro-optic bandwidth of 55 GHz.
S2. Optical Waveguides and Communications
Poster Session II
Dec. 2, 2023 13:30-16:30
Presider: |
Room: |
Building of Electrical Engineering (電機系館) (B1) |
Notes: |
Manuscript ID. 0021
Paper No. 2023-SAT-P0202-P001
Ya-Cin Chung
Silicon Nanodisk Array as Vertical Output Couplers
Yueh-Hsun He, Ya-Cin Chung, Yi-Xuan Wu, Kai-Hsuan Tsai, National Chung Hsing University (Taiwan); Min-Hsiung Shih, Shu-Wei Chang, Academia Sinica (Taiwan); Wan-Shao Tsai, National Chung Hsing University (Taiwan)
A vertical output coupler based on a silicon nanodisk array is designed and fabricated at the operation wavelength of 1550 nm. The proposed structure includes input grating, taper mode-size converter, single-mode waveguide, and nanodisk array. The design is based on numerical simulation using finite-difference time-domain method. Electron-beam lithography defines the designed pattern, and a dry-etching technique is followed for etch-through ridge structures. Cladding layers of Si3N4 and SiO2 are then deposited sequentially with a plasma-enhanced chemical-vapor deposition method. A self-built measurement system is utilized to characterize the performance of fabricated devices.
Manuscript ID. 0739
Paper No. 2023-SAT-P0202-P002
Chun-Ting Wu
Scattering-type liquid crystal waveguide devices based on polymer stabilization
Chun-Ting Wu, Yuan-Chang Tsai, Ko-Ting Cheng, National Central University (Taiwan)
The main topic reported in this study is waveguide twisted hybrid polymer network LC (TH-PNLC) devices with asymmetrical light scattering properties and their applications. The asymmetric scattering property of the TH-PNLC structure is utilized to demonstrate unidirectional LC light source devices and privacy protection applications.
Manuscript ID. 0998
Paper No. 2023-SAT-P0202-P003
Zong-Ting Wang
Hybrid Multiple-Quantum-Well IIIV/Si optical waveguide used for Modulation and Photodetection
Zong-Ting Wang, Chung-Wei Hsiao, Chen-Yu Yeh, Chih-Min Liao, Yi-Jen Chiu, National Sun Yat-Sen University (Taiwan)
Optical waveguide defined by hybrid IIIV bonded on Si-on-insulator (SOI) used for both electro-absorption modulator (EAM) and photodetector has been proposed and demonstrated. Based on quantum confined Stark effect (QCSE), a multiple-quantum-well (MQW) in IIIV optical waveguide shows not only strong field driven optical absorption but also the photodetection due to high confinement in optical waveguide.
Manuscript ID. 0214
Paper No. 2023-SAT-P0202-P004
Yu-Ting Lai
Ring-Based WDM-PON Configuration with Dual Unidirectional Downlink and Uplink Signal Link
Yu-Ting Lai, Lan-Yin Chen, Chun-Yen Lin, Kuan-Ming Cheng, Deng‑Yao Yang, Chien-Hung Yeh, Feng Chia University (Taiwan); Chi-Wai Chow, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Jing-Heng Chen, Feng Chia University (Taiwan)
We demonstrate a dual unidirectional ring-type WDM-PON network with bidirectional downlink and uplink data access simultaneously in clockwise and counterclockwise directions, respectively. Here, to complete the signal access as mentioned above, a new remote node (RN) is designed in the system. The proposed network architecture can not only double the ONU numbers by using the original WDM downlink wavelengths simultaneously, but also can avoid the Rayleigh backscattering (RB) beat noise for 50 km long-reach (10 Gbit/s rate) and 15 km short-reach fiber connections (28 Gbit/s rate).
Manuscript ID. 0548
Paper No. 2023-SAT-P0202-P005
Chun-Nien Liu
Fabrication of Cr4+:YAG Waveguide Optical Amplification Chip by Sol-Gel Method
Kai-Chieh Chang, National Taiwan University (Taiwan); Yu-Hao Chen, Chun-Nien Liu, National Chung Hsing University (Taiwan); Sheng-Lung Huang, National Taiwan University (Taiwan)
We have achieved a successful demonstration of a Cr4+: YAG waveguide using the sol-gel method. This waveguide was subsequently utilized as a coating on etched microchannel quartz substrates to fabricate a Cr4+: YAG waveguide optical amplification chip. The results indicate that the fluorescence exhibits a spectrum centered at 1400nm. These waveguide chips are positioned for integration into silicon photonic chips, making them suitable for high-speed optical communication applications.
Manuscript ID. 0579
Paper No. 2023-SAT-P0202-P006
Yu-Ting Chen
Numerical investigation of kW-class (6+1)×1 taper-fused side pump combiner
Yu-Ting Chen, Hsiao-Lung Tu, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan); Jiun-Jie Liau, Photonicore Technologies Co., Ltd (Taiwan); Benson Shen, Lightel Technologies, Inc (USA), Photonicore Technologies Co., Ltd (Taiwan); Yin-Wen Lee, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan)
This research focuses on optimizing a (6+1)1 fused side pump combiner for efficient high-power fiber laser pump coupling. Through the employment of the commercial software Rsoft Beam PROP (BPM), key device parameters, including fusion depth, taper length, and waist diameter, are analyzed with the numerical simulations. Results show increased coupling efficiency and reduced losses with greater fusion depth and taper length. A coupling efficiency of more than 99% can be successfully achieved. This study enhances understanding of (6+1)1 taper-fused side pump combiners for kW-class high-power lasers.
Manuscript ID. 0877
Paper No. 2023-SAT-P0202-P007
Ming-Yang Liu
Silicon Photonics Based Mode Converter Using Sinusoidal Structure
Ming-Yang Liu, Yuan-Zeng Lin, Pin-Cheng Kuo, Tien-Wei Yu, Chi-Wai Chow, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Chien-Hung Yeh, Feng Chia University (Taiwan)
We propose a silicon photonics (SiPh) based mode converter using sinusoidal structure converting from fundamental TE0 mode to sixth-order TE6 mode. The device has over 50% in wavelength 1500-1600 nm.
Manuscript ID. 0463
Paper No. 2023-SAT-P0202-P008
Chi-Chia Chung
Thin-Film-Filter based Wavelength Router with Asymmetric Input / Output Characteristics
Chi-Chia Chung, Bo-Shen Yang, Kimio Oguchi, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)
In a photonic network, wavelength routing is a key function. This article proposes thin-film-filter based wavelength router structure and its network application. Correctness of the structure in terms of wavelength is first confirmed by the wavelength transfer matrix method. Then, with several parameters obtained from the proto-type module, bit rate and distance relationships for multi-mode fiber connection were clarified in preliminary experiments (simulation). They show the feasibility of the proposed structure.
Manuscript ID. 0022
Paper No. 2023-SAT-P0202-P009
Shao-Chen Huang
A Novel Sysmmetric Single-Line Bidirectional Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer
Shao-Chen Huang, Shu-Ming Zhang, Ting-Chen Wu, Ying-Jui Wu, Chung-Yi Li, National Taipei University (Taiwan)
We propose a new type of symmetric single-line bidirectional optical add/drop multiplexer (SBOADM), which is composed entirely of passive components and does not require additional power or increase complexity in management. It can change the direction of transmission based on the optical signal's different directions.
Manuscript ID. 0773
Paper No. 2023-SAT-P0202-P010
Chuan-En Lin
High performance waveguide-based augmented reality (AR) glasses with surface relief grating
Chuan-En Lin, Peichen Yu, Chun-Yen Chou, Yu-Teng Chen, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)
In this study, we design augmented reality (AR) waveguides with expanded pupil expander using surface relief gratings. The in- and out- coupling waveguides are based on slant gratings, while the other employs a meta-grating. The diffraction efficiencies of the gratings are thoroughly investigated as a function of the structure parameters. Through the segmentation and optimization of each zone, we have achieved a high level of uniformity and a nits per lumen value as high as 3700. Additionally, the thickness of the waveguide significantly influences the overall system's performance, underscoring the critical importance of combining appropriate designs to achieve optimal results.
Manuscript ID. 0044
Paper No. 2023-SAT-P0202-P011
Chien-Yu Hsu
The Bidirectional 5 Gbps/50 m Free-Space Optical Communication System Based on TracePro Optical Design
Chien-Yu Hsu, Yu-Hsuan Chuan, Kun-Yu Tseng, Chih-Yi Tu, Chung-Yi Li, National Taipei University (Taiwan)
We propose and demonstrate a bidirectional free-space optical communication system based on TracePro optical design, achieving a data rate of 5 Gbps and a transmission distance of 50 meters. Through optical design and simulation in TracePro, the bidirectional transmission distance of the free-space optical communication system can reach 50 meters. In the actual experimental setup, a bidirectional 5 Gbps/50 m free-space optical communication system was successfully constructed using a DFB LD, a MZM, and optical lenses. According to experimental results, the bit error rate (BER) for both uplink and downlink transmission under 50 m free-space transmission reached 10-9.
Manuscript ID. 0124
Paper No. 2023-SAT-P0202-P012
Li-Yu Chen
Temperature-independent Mach-Zehnder interferometer filters based on silicon nitride waveguides
Li-Yu Chen, Chun-Ta Wang, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan); Wen-Hsien Huang, Hsing-Hsiang Wang, Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute (Taiwan)
We have designed a temperature-insensitive MZI filter in the C-band with a free spectral range of 20 nm. By adjusting the waveguide widths, we reduced the temperature dependence of the wavelength from 16 to 0.05 pm/°C. This design minimizes the effect of external temperature variations.
Manuscript ID. 0611
Paper No. 2023-SAT-P0202-P013
Po-Jui Lai
Verifying the feasibility of numerical approximation with Taylor’s series on the nonlinear Mach-Zehnder Modulator (MZM) transfer function
Po-Jui Lai, Jian-Feng Lan, Fu-Kai Shih, Kai-Ming Feng, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)
In this study, we construct an efficient way to discuss the nonlinear effect of Mach-Zehnder Modulator. Furthermore, we test the feasibility of this mathematics model, which can help us to analyze the fiber-optic THz communication system in the future..
Manuscript ID. 1132
Paper No. 2023-SAT-P0202-P014
Yong-Xuan Lee
C-band Dual-Mode DFBLD for Heterodyned sub-THz Carrier Synthesis
Szu-En Lai, You-Xin Wang, Shih-Chang Hsu, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Gong-Ru Lin, National Taiwan University (Taiwan); Chih-Hsien Cheng, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (Japan); Yong-Xuan Lee, National Taiwan University (Taiwan)
The concurrent lasing of dual longitudinal modes within the same resonant cavity
of a C-band distributed feedback laser diode (DFBLD) lasing at 1550 nm is demonstrated to
perform the optoelectronic heterodyned synthesis of wireless sub-THz carrier at central
frequency of 323-324 GHz. With current and temperature dependent wavelength tunability of
d/dI=0.02 nm/mA and d/dT~0.14 nm/oC, the optically heterodyned sub-THz carrier
exhibits its central frequency tunability of dfTHz/dI=0.04 GHz/mA and dfTHz/dT=0.11 GHz/oC
after fine adjustment for meeting the need of future wireless communication applications.
S2. Optical Waveguides and Communications
Optical Waveguides and Communications V
Dec. 2, 2023 16:00-17:00
Presider: |
Prof. Chin-Ping Yu (National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan)
Prof. Nai-Hsiang Sun (I-Shou University, Taiwan) |
Room: |
92171 (1F) |
Notes: |
16:00 - 16:15
Manuscript ID. 0340
Paper No. 2023-SAT-S0205-O001
Shu-Jui Hsu
The Impact of Mesa Size Scaling on Heterojunction Bipolar Light-Emitting Transistor in Optoelectronic Logic Gate Applications
Shu-Jui Hsu, Sheng-Wen Cheng, Shu-Yun Ho, Pin-Chia Li, Mukul Kumar, Chao-Hsin Wu, National Taiwan University (Taiwan)
We present a NAND gate implemented with heterojunction bipolar light-emitting transistors (LETs), accompanied by an extensive investigation into the impact of device size scaling. The incorporation of the NAND gate significantly enhances the functionality of the LET Optoelectronic Integrated Circuit (OEIC) system, leading to an impressive rise time of 55 ns and a fall time of 69 ns.
16:15 - 16:30
Manuscript ID. 0776
Paper No. 2023-SAT-S0205-O002
Zhong-En Zheng
Integration of optical III-V and Si waveguides based on SiC Wafer
Lu-Kuan Du, Yang-Jeng Chen, Chen-Yu Yeh, Yi-Jen Chiu, Zhong-En Zheng, National Sun Yat-Sen University. (Taiwan)
A novel double wafer-bonding technique has been demonstrated for hybrid III-V/Si/SiC photonic integration. As low as 4% optical mode confinement difference, electro-luminance with strong band-edge photocurrent spectrum were found, suggesting hybrid IIIV/Si waveguide can be used in Si photonics based on high-thermal conductivity of SiC.
16:30 - 16:45
Manuscript ID. 0254
Paper No. 2023-SAT-S0205-O003
Chih-Hsien Chen
Free-spectral-range insensitive cascaded Mach-Zehnder interferometers on silicon-on-insulator for 16-channel continuous-wave wavelength division multiplexing
Chih-Hsien Chen, Yung-Jr Hung, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan)
We demonstrate a free-spectral-range insensitive Mach-Zehnder interferometer design for wavelength multiplexing sixteen CW-WDM channels with deviation of < 50 pm to the wavelength grids, an averaged insertion loss of -2 dB, and an optical crosstalk of < -13 dB.
16:45 - 17:00
Manuscript ID. 0621
Paper No. 2023-SAT-S0205-O004
Thuy Trinh
Integrated Microelectromechanical-System Optical Probes for Diagnosing Phase Errors of Programmable Photonic Integrated Circuits
Thuy Trinh, Ming-Chang Lee, The Anh Nguyen, Bo-Xian Ko, Kuo-Wei Lee, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)
We present a scheme of using microelectromechanical-system optical probes in combination with an image analysis method to dynamically monitor the waveguide power of Mach-Zehnder interferometers based programmable photonic integrated circuits.
S2. Optical Waveguides and Communications
Optical Waveguides and Communications VI
Dec. 3, 2023 09:00-11:00
Presider: |
Prof. Ja-Yu Lu (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)
Prof. Chia-Chien Wei (National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan) |
Room: |
92171 (1F) |
Notes: |
09:00 - 09:30
Manuscript ID. 1085
Paper No. 2023-SUN-S0206-I001
Invited Speaker: Chia-Chien Wei
Delay-division multiplexing in OFDM optical access networks
Chia-Chien Wei, National Sun Yat-Sen University (NSYSU), Taiwan (Taiwan)
Delay-division-multiplexing (DDM) is an innovative technique in optical access networks, which
employs signal preprocessing to detect data through sub-Nyquist analog-to-digital sampling. DDM
relies on preallocated relative sampling delays among optical network users in orthogonal
frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. In this presentation, we will delve the core
concept, key features, and diverse applications of DDM. For instance, we will explore the potential
for employing hybrid sub-Nyquist sampling rates, allowing the accommodation of heterogeneous
services with varying capacities in an access network. Furthermore, in tandem with optical shaping
techniques, DDM exhibits the capacity to significantly reduce the requisite analog bandwidth,
facilitating cost-effective sub-Nyquist analog-to-digital sampling at receivers and even sub-Nyquist
digital-to-analog sampling at transmitters for optical network users. Additionally, we will examine
the implementation of DDM schemes across diverse scenarios, encompassing fronthaul optical
links and high-loss-budget long-reach passive optical networks.
09:30 - 09:45
Manuscript ID. 0059
Paper No. 2023-SUN-S0206-O001
Yusei Ohkubo
Performance of Optical Label Recognition for Two-Symbol QPSK-Coded Labels Using Complex-Valued Neural Network
Yusei Ohkubo, Hiroki Kishikawa, Tokushima University (Japan)
We evaluate the performance of optical label recognition for two-symbol QPSK-coded labels using complex-valued neural network. The performance is measured by crosstalk, defined as the intensity difference between the minimum and the second minimum intensities at the desired output port, by changing the amplitude and phase of the incident QPSK labels. Numerical simulation reveals that the amplitude deviation should be within -15% to +5% for crosstalk below -20 dB while the phase deviation does not affect the crosstalk.
09:45 - 10:00
Manuscript ID. 0465
Paper No. 2023-SUN-S0206-O002
Bo-Shen Yang
Scalability in Recursive Wavelength Routing Network Structure
Bo-Shen Yang, Chi-Chia Chung, Kimio Oguchi, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)
This article proposes wavelength routing domain structure that uses wavelength routers in recursive configuration. Then, it discusses scalability of proposed structure by analyzing several features of path loss application area size. Results showed the feasibility of the proposed structure.
10:00 - 10:15
Manuscript ID. 0344
Paper No. 2023-SUN-S0206-O003
Tzu-Wei Chiu
Analysis of Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum on THz Wireless Communication System
Tzu-Wei Chiu, Xuan-Wei Miao, Po-Cheng Su, Pouya Torkaman, Kai-Ming Feng, Shang-Hua Yang, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)
This paper shows the feasibility of Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) to work on a terahertz wireless communication system. It uses the 2Gaud bandwidth transmitted signal with Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing. The signal will be received after passing through the wireless channel of 3 meters. The result shows that the bit-error rate at different hopping frequencies. Additionally, this paper provides the frequency range at terahertz band that can be served as the bandwidth of FHSS.
10:15 - 10:30
Manuscript ID. 0393
Paper No. 2023-SUN-S0206-O004
Ji-Peng Lu
New type of multi-zone perimeter intrusion detection system
Ji-Jun Yang, Ji-Peng Lu, Po-Yu Lin, Likarn Wang, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)
We present a multi-zone fiber-optic perimeter intrusion detection system with each defended zone associated with an Fabry-Perot interferometer, which is formed by an intrusion-sensing fiber sandwiched by two fiber Bragg gratings. Different Fabry-Perot interferometers operate at different wavelengths. By analyzing the received back-reflected optical power that varies with intrusion-induced disturbance on the fiber, we can detect the intrusion event for any zone.
10:30 - 10:45
Manuscript ID. 0259
Paper No. 2023-SUN-S0206-O005
Yu-Ting Liu
Optimized Dispersion Compensation Algorithm for Performance Improvement in High-Speed Fiber Optic Networks
Yu-Ting Liu, Ching-Hung Chang, Ming-Che Lee, National Chiayi University (Taiwan)
High-speed PAM4 data has become the mainstream of fiber optic transmission in recent years. As the data rate escalates, the nonlinear effects begin to manifest themselves by degrading the quality of communication. The situation is particularly severe with respect to the effects of dispersion, the intensity of which can vary with the length of the optical fiber. To solve this problem, this research paper proposed an algorithm that attempts to compensate for the dispersion by the addition of dispersion-compensating fibers (DCFs) at different positions and with different lengths.
10:45 - 11:00
Manuscript ID. 0785
Paper No. 2023-SUN-S0206-O006
De-Wei Liao
A simulation study of decoy state BB84 QKD using optical-switch-based polarization multiplexing
De-Wei Liao, Yuan-Ren Yeh, Yu-Han Hung, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan)
Optical switches have evolved to achieve nanosecond (ns) and even picosecond (ps) switching speeds. Our research focuses on utilizing optical switches to enhance the Decoy State BB84 QKD system. We aim to validate our idea using the OPTSIM simulation software. The goal of this work is to increase the secure key rate using optical-switch-based polarization multiplexing.
S2. Optical Waveguides and Communications
Poster Session III
Dec. 3, 2023 09:00-11:00
Presider: |
Room: |
Building of Electrical Engineering (電機系館) (B1) |
Notes: |
Manuscript ID. 0486
Paper No. 2023-SUN-P0203-P001
Yen-Shan Lin
Functional Designs of Metal-Wire-Woven Hole Arrays for Terahertz Wave Long-distance Transmission
Yen-Shan Lin, Liang-Cheng Yu, Borwen You, National Changhua University of Education (Taiwan)
Terahertz (THz) plasmonic metamaterials based on metal-wire-woven hole arrays (MWW-HAs) are investigated in this study for the 0.1–2 THz transmittance. Different orders of the power depletion were presented in experiments but only that at the lowest frequency, corresponding to the first order one, can perform the strongest reflection due to the plasmonic reflection character. The bending angle of MWW-HA was found as the key parameter to achieve specular reflection for a long-distance transmission when the surface conductivity and optical path length of metal woven wires were modified to observe the transmittance variation of the first-order power depletion of MWW-HA.
Manuscript ID. 0902
Paper No. 2023-SUN-P0203-P002
Yu-Syuan Lin
Superluminal normal and inverse Doppler effects in positive refractive index media
Yu-Syuan Lin, Jeng Yi Lee, Department of Opto-Electronic Engineering (Taiwan)
We discuss the formation of relativistic inverse Doppler effects inside Cherenkov radiation cone in positive index of refraction. The outcome can be distinguished two types: superluminal normal and inverse Doppler frequency shifts. The form (latter) exhibits the negative received frequency and positive (negative) frequency shift. In order to understand the behind mechanism, we also consider one emitting dipole source with periodic time sequences to draw the corresponding wave fronts in observed spaces, indicating the counter-inuitive results of the later signal received first.
Manuscript ID. 0230
Paper No. 2023-SUN-P0203-P003
Yu-Shan Juan
Bandwidth Enhancement in Optical Frequency Combs by Nonlinear Dynamics of Semiconductor Lasers
Guan-Bo Tung, Yu-Shan Juan, Yuan Ze University (Taiwan)
In this paper, optical frequency comb generation utilizing nonlinear dynamics of the semiconductor lasers subject to both optical injection and optoelectronic feedback are studied. Based on the regular pulsing states in the semiconductor laser under optoelectronic feedback, the optical frequency combs are generated. Furthermore, by applying an additional optically injection to the optical frequency comb generated, bandwidth enhancement of the optical frequency combs is found obviously in the optical spectra of the semiconductor lasers. Moreover, the detailed characteristics in different operational parameters are also discussed in this paper.
Manuscript ID. 0481
Paper No. 2023-SUN-P0203-P004
Po-Yu Fang
An Alternate Method for Optimizing Structural Parameters of Round-End Cylindrical Microlenses on the Single-mode Fibers
Po-Yu Fang, Ping-Yen Chou, Ya-Chi Chuang, Keh-Yi Lee, Chinese Culture University (Taiwan)
The shift-or-shrink (SOS) algorithm was twice utilized for optimizing the structural parameters of the round-end cylindrical microlens, instead of applying it to very complicated formulae once. The optimal direct coupling efficiencies of single-mode fibers and optical channel waveguides, and their corresponding structural parameters, are presented in this paper.
Manuscript ID. 0921
Paper No. 2023-SUN-P0203-P005
Dinakar Dantla
Examine the self-imaging phenomenon within a single-multi-single mode fiber structure
Koustav Dey, Dinakar Dantla, Sourabh Roy, NIT Warangal (India)
One of the intriguing optical waveguide phenomena that has been used in a wide range of applications is self-imaging. Here, we have carried out an experimental investigation of the self-imaging phenomena in the single-multi-single mode (SMS) fibre combination, which is additionally validated theoretically.
Manuscript ID. 0984
Paper No. 2023-SUN-P0203-P006
Chung-Chih Lin
A Ge-on-Si slow-light waveguide photodetector for L-band applications
Chung-Chih Lin, Li-Karn Wang, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan); Neil Na, Artilux Inc. (Taiwan)
We design a waveguide photodetector consisting of a germanium slab on a silicon-on-insulator substrate operated at a slow-light mode. By fine-tuning the structures of two-dimensional photonic crystal waveguide and coupler, the effective absorption coefficient of our device can be enhanced to 1.41 dB/µm at 1611 nm wavelength, which is about 1 order of magnitude improvement over the case of bulk Ge.
Manuscript ID. 0388
Paper No. 2023-SUN-P0203-P007
Yi-Chen Lai
The Problem of Differential Via
Yi-Chen Lai, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)
This paper investigates the effects of using plated-through-hole (PTH) vias and
coaxial vias in differential mode for high-speed signal propagation. While PTH vias are
relatively cheaper to produce, they suffer from higher loss compared to coaxial vias. This paper
delves into the loss problem of using two single-ended signal vias versus one differential signal
via structure, and discusses it in depth.
Manuscript ID. 0252
Paper No. 2023-SUN-P0203-P008
Chine-Chang Chiu
The influence of acoustic mode on the acousto-optic coupling in phoxonic crystal nanobeam
Chine-Chang Chiu, Pitotech Co., Ltd (Taiwan)
is paper is based on a one-dimensional phoxonic crystal waveguide, achieved by designing a periodic array of semicircular air holes on both sides of the waveguide. One type involves gradually varying the width of the waveguide, giving the structure phononic resonant cavity characteristics for sound waves and photonic waveguide characteristics for light waves. The other type involves using a gradient change in the lattice constant to confine the energy of both the light and sound wave resonant modes within the defect structure. We discuss the acoustic-optic coupling efficiency between the photonic and different phononic modes for both types of structures.
Manuscript ID. 0317
Paper No. 2023-SUN-P0203-P009
Taiga Ishida
De-aggregation of 8QAM Signal Using Four Wave Mixing for Modulation Format Conversion to BPSK Signals
Taiga Ishida, Hiroki Kishikawa, Junichi Fujikata, Tokushima University (Japan)
Modulation format conversion from 8QAM to BPSK based on four-wave mixing using highly nonlinear fiber is proposed. Calculated BER performance and relationship between 8QAM and BPSK propagation length show that error-free conversion can be achieved.
Manuscript ID. 0341
Paper No. 2023-SUN-P0203-P010
Wan-Ting Chang
Comparison of UTC-PD and PIN-PD as THz Emitters in Wireless Communication Systems
Wan-Ting Chang, Xuan-Wei Miao, Po-Cheng Su, Pouya Torkaman, Kai-Ming Feng, Shang-Hua Yang, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)
In this paper, we investigated the performance of the two most-established photodiodes as Terahertz (THz) emitters: Uni-Traveling-Carrier Photodiode (UTC-PD) and P-I-N Photodiode (PIN-PD). For comparison purpose, we transmitted several Quadrature Amplitude Modulation with Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (QAM-OFDM) signals of different bandwidth and modulation format, where the signals traveled through a 1-meter wireless link. At the receiver side, we analyzed the signal by an offline MATLAB program. The experimental results indicate that UTC-PD outperforms PIN-PD in the setup of our THz wireless communication system.
Manuscript ID. 0347
Paper No. 2023-SUN-P0203-P011
Yen-Chi Chen
SNR Analysis of PIN-PD based on Terahertz Communication System Links with Misalignment
Yen-Chi Chen, Xuan-Wei Miao, Po-Cheng Su, Pouya Torkaman, Kai-Ming Feng, Shang-Hua Yang, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)
In this study, we investigated the effect of angle misalignment on signal-to-noise ratio on a terahertz wireless communication network, and we proposed a formula to verify the data. The system is tested under several scenarios, we evaluated signal-to-noise ratio under different angel of misalignment. The signal-to-noise ratio are monitored to evaluate the performance of the terahertz wireless communication system. A formula is derived to explain the received result. The study provides a theoretical way to estimate the performance of communication system when misalignments exist.
Manuscript ID. 0619
Paper No. 2023-SUN-P0203-P012
Hao-Wen Weng Lin
Hao-Wen Weng Lin, Yu-Han Hung, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan)
We have proposed a novel microwave photonic (MWP) circuit switch using the P1 nonlinear semiconductor lasers dynamics. Our system integrates multiple radio channels over fiber for wider bandwidth and flexibility. Channel selection can be optically adjusted by controlling the injection parameters. We demonstrate that our design can greatly enhance the input signal quality through the optical modulation depth improvement, with successful 1.25 Gbps ASK data transmissions in the experimental results. The proposed design demonstrates improved signal quality and offers potential applications for 6G SDN fronthaul networks.
Manuscript ID. 0631
Paper No. 2023-SUN-P0203-P013
Jiun Jie Liau
Evaluation of Side-Pumping Combiners in Thermal Vacuum Tests for Space Application
Jiun Jie Liau, Chin-Feng Su, Jia-We Chen, Photonicore Technologies Co., Ltd. (Taiwan); Benson Shen, Lightel Technologies Inc. (USA), Photonicore Technologies Co., Ltd. (Taiwan)
In this study, we present the evaluation of the thermal vacuum performance of home-made (2+1)×1 side-pumping combiners through completed thermal vacuum tests compliant with TRL-5 standards. These combiners are composed of radiation-hardened DCF and MMF fibers from iXblue and are designed for optical amplifier applications in the space environment. The results indicate that the combiners perform exceptionally well, handling a total power of 60W at 980nm. Throughout the 1000 hours vacuum test and 24 hours vacuum temperature cycling test, the insertion loss remained consistent with the original design level, measuring approximately -0.13dB, while the pump efficiency was around 97.48%.
Manuscript ID. 1096
Paper No. 2023-SUN-P0203-P014
Po-Han Chen
Laser Emission Module with Thermos-Electric Coolers for Silicon Photonics Transmitters
Po-Han Chen, Jau-Ji Jou, Tien-Tsorng Shih, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)
In silicon photonics, a light source with a stable wavelength is required. In this paper, we design and fabricate a four-channel coarse wavelength division multiplexing laser emission module with thermoelectric coolers (TECs). Setting the TEC temperature at 25℃, the characteristics of the output light remain stable while the laser diode current is from 0 mA to 120 mA. For the 1329-nm wavelength channel, the side mode suppression ratio is 47.3dB.