Instruction for Presenters

Presentation timeslot

Session type




Total length

45 mins

(including Q&A)

30 mins

(including Q&A)

15 mins

(including Q&A)

Before the presentation

  1. Please arrive at the session meeting rooms 15 minutes earlier and reconfirm your presentation slides with conference staffs. 麻煩各位投稿者於該Session開始前15分鐘抵達講廳。
  2. Conference staffs will stay in session meeting rooms to provide relevant assistance accordingly.
  3. All presentations should be presented in English. 
  4. For an oral presenter: we will allocate 12 minutes for the lecture plus 3 minutes for discussion. In every lecture, we will hold up a sign at the 11th minute to remind you that you have one more minute to enter the Q&A session. At the 12th minute, we will remind you to start the Q&A, at the 15th minute, we will remind you that time is up.
  5. For Invited Speaker: we will allocate 27 minutes for the lecture plus 3 minutes for discussion. In every lecture, we will hold up a sign at the 26th minute to remind you that you have one more minute to enter the Q&A session. At the 27th minute, we will remind you to start the Q&A, at the 30th minute, we will remind you that time is up.
  6. For Plenary Speaker: we will allocate 40 minutes for the lecture plus 5 minutes for discussion. In every lecture, we will hold up a sign at the 39th minute to remind you that you have one more minute to enter the Q&A session. At the 40th minute, we will remind you to start the Q&A, at the 45th minute, we will remind you that time is up.

Facilities in session rooms

  1. In each session room, there will be a computer and a projector. The projectors in all the classrooms are 16:9. The operating system of the computer is Microsoft Windows 10 and with Microsoft Office 2019, Adobe PDF reader installed.
  2. In each session, the computer will be equipped with USB ports to read USB flash drive. The presenter must load the presentation file onto the session room computer before the beginning of the session.
  3. In general, it is not suggested to connect your own computer to the projector in the session room.

Instruction for Poster Presentation

  1. Poster presentations will be held on the Building of Electrical Engineering (B1F).
  2. Presenters should arrive 15 minutes earlier to set up their posters.
  3. The poster size is 90 cm (W) x120 cm (H).
  4. Presenters who wish to keep their posters should remove them after the presentation.
  5. Any remaining posters will be removed by conference staffs when the session ends.
  6. Presenters must be around their bulletin boards to make their presentations and answer questions during the poster sessions.



Set Up

Poster Session (I) & 國科會光電學門成果發表會

13:30-16:30, Friday, December 1, 2023

15 mins earlier

Poster Session (II) & 國科會光電學門成果發表會

13:30-16:30, Saturday, December 2, 2023

15 mins earlier

Poster Session (III)

09:00-11:00, Sunday, December 3, 2023

15 mins earlier


 Important Dates

Paper Submission Opening:

Paper Submission Deadline:
2023/09/06 (Final Extension!)

Poster-Only Postdeadline Submission:

Registration Opening:

Acceptance Notification:

Early Bird Registration Deadline:

Online Registration Deadline:

Conference Days:

Tainan-city WEATHER