Session Index

S2. Optical Waveguides and Communications

Poster Session II
Saturday, Dec. 2, 2023  13:30-16:30
Room: Building of Electrical Engineering (電機系館) (B1)

Manuscript ID.  0021
Paper No.  2023-SAT-P0202-P001
Ya-Cin Chung Silicon Nanodisk Array as Vertical Output Couplers
Yueh-Hsun He, Ya-Cin Chung, Yi-Xuan Wu, Kai-Hsuan Tsai, National Chung Hsing University (Taiwan); Min-Hsiung Shih, Shu-Wei Chang, Academia Sinica (Taiwan); Wan-Shao Tsai, National Chung Hsing University (Taiwan)

A vertical output coupler based on a silicon nanodisk array is designed and fabricated at the operation wavelength of 1550 nm. The proposed structure includes input grating, taper mode-size converter, single-mode waveguide, and nanodisk array. The design is based on numerical simulation using finite-difference time-domain method. Electron-beam lithography defines the designed pattern, and a dry-etching technique is followed for etch-through ridge structures. Cladding layers of Si3N4 and SiO2 are then deposited sequentially with a plasma-enhanced chemical-vapor deposition method. A self-built measurement system is utilized to characterize the performance of fabricated devices.


Manuscript ID.  0739
Paper No.  2023-SAT-P0202-P002
Chun-Ting Wu Scattering-type liquid crystal waveguide devices based on polymer stabilization
Chun-Ting Wu, Yuan-Chang Tsai, Ko-Ting Cheng, National Central University (Taiwan)

The main topic reported in this study is waveguide twisted hybrid polymer network LC (TH-PNLC) devices with asymmetrical light scattering properties and their applications. The asymmetric scattering property of the TH-PNLC structure is utilized to demonstrate unidirectional LC light source devices and privacy protection applications.


Manuscript ID.  0998
Paper No.  2023-SAT-P0202-P003
Zong-Ting Wang Hybrid Multiple-Quantum-Well IIIV/Si optical waveguide used for Modulation and Photodetection
Zong-Ting Wang, Chung-Wei Hsiao, Chen-Yu Yeh, Chih-Min Liao, Yi-Jen Chiu, National Sun Yat-Sen University (Taiwan)

Optical waveguide defined by hybrid IIIV bonded on Si-on-insulator (SOI) used for both electro-absorption modulator (EAM) and photodetector has been proposed and demonstrated. Based on quantum confined Stark effect (QCSE), a multiple-quantum-well (MQW) in IIIV optical waveguide shows not only strong field driven optical absorption but also the photodetection due to high confinement in optical waveguide.


Manuscript ID.  0214
Paper No.  2023-SAT-P0202-P004
Yu-Ting Lai Ring-Based WDM-PON Configuration with Dual Unidirectional Downlink and Uplink Signal Link
Yu-Ting Lai, Lan-Yin Chen, Chun-Yen Lin, Kuan-Ming Cheng, Deng‑Yao Yang, Chien-Hung Yeh, Feng Chia University (Taiwan); Chi-Wai Chow, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Jing-Heng Chen, Feng Chia University (Taiwan)

We demonstrate a dual unidirectional ring-type WDM-PON network with bidirectional downlink and uplink data access simultaneously in clockwise and counterclockwise directions, respectively. Here, to complete the signal access as mentioned above, a new remote node (RN) is designed in the system. The proposed network architecture can not only double the ONU numbers by using the original WDM downlink wavelengths simultaneously, but also can avoid the Rayleigh backscattering (RB) beat noise for 50 km long-reach (10 Gbit/s rate) and 15 km short-reach fiber connections (28 Gbit/s rate).


Manuscript ID.  0548
Paper No.  2023-SAT-P0202-P005
Chun-Nien Liu Fabrication of Cr4+:YAG Waveguide Optical Amplification Chip by Sol-Gel Method
Kai-Chieh Chang, National Taiwan University (Taiwan); Yu-Hao Chen, Chun-Nien Liu, National Chung Hsing University (Taiwan); Sheng-Lung Huang, National Taiwan University (Taiwan)

We have achieved a successful demonstration of a Cr4+: YAG waveguide using the sol-gel method. This waveguide was subsequently utilized as a coating on etched microchannel quartz substrates to fabricate a Cr4+: YAG waveguide optical amplification chip. The results indicate that the fluorescence exhibits a spectrum centered at 1400nm. These waveguide chips are positioned for integration into silicon photonic chips, making them suitable for high-speed optical communication applications.


Manuscript ID.  0579
Paper No.  2023-SAT-P0202-P006
Yu-Ting Chen Numerical investigation of kW-class (6+1)×1 taper-fused side pump combiner
Yu-Ting Chen, Hsiao-Lung Tu, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan); Jiun-Jie Liau, Photonicore Technologies Co., Ltd (Taiwan); Benson Shen, Lightel Technologies, Inc (USA), Photonicore Technologies Co., Ltd (Taiwan); Yin-Wen Lee, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan)

This research focuses on optimizing a (6+1)1 fused side pump combiner for efficient high-power fiber laser pump coupling. Through the employment of the commercial software Rsoft Beam PROP (BPM), key device parameters, including fusion depth, taper length, and waist diameter, are analyzed with the numerical simulations. Results show increased coupling efficiency and reduced losses with greater fusion depth and taper length. A coupling efficiency of more than 99% can be successfully achieved. This study enhances understanding of (6+1)1 taper-fused side pump combiners for kW-class high-power lasers.


Manuscript ID.  0877
Paper No.  2023-SAT-P0202-P007
Ming-Yang Liu Silicon Photonics Based Mode Converter Using Sinusoidal Structure
Ming-Yang Liu, Yuan-Zeng Lin, Pin-Cheng Kuo, Tien-Wei Yu, Chi-Wai Chow, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Chien-Hung Yeh, Feng Chia University (Taiwan)

We propose a silicon photonics (SiPh) based mode converter using sinusoidal structure converting from fundamental TE0 mode to sixth-order TE6 mode. The device has over 50% in wavelength 1500-1600 nm.


Manuscript ID.  0463
Paper No.  2023-SAT-P0202-P008
Chi-Chia Chung Thin-Film-Filter based Wavelength Router with Asymmetric Input / Output Characteristics
Chi-Chia Chung, Bo-Shen Yang, Kimio Oguchi, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

In a photonic network, wavelength routing is a key function. This article proposes thin-film-filter based wavelength router structure and its network application. Correctness of the structure in terms of wavelength is first confirmed by the wavelength transfer matrix method. Then, with several parameters obtained from the proto-type module, bit rate and distance relationships for multi-mode fiber connection were clarified in preliminary experiments (simulation). They show the feasibility of the proposed structure.


Manuscript ID.  0022
Paper No.  2023-SAT-P0202-P009
Shao-Chen Huang A Novel Sysmmetric Single-Line Bidirectional Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer
Shao-Chen Huang, Shu-Ming Zhang, Ting-Chen Wu, Ying-Jui Wu, Chung-Yi Li, National Taipei University (Taiwan)

We propose a new type of symmetric single-line bidirectional optical add/drop multiplexer (SBOADM), which is composed entirely of passive components and does not require additional power or increase complexity in management. It can change the direction of transmission based on the optical signal's different directions.


Manuscript ID.  0773
Paper No.  2023-SAT-P0202-P010
Chuan-En Lin High performance waveguide-based augmented reality (AR) glasses with surface relief grating
Chuan-En Lin, Peichen Yu, Chun-Yen Chou, Yu-Teng Chen, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

In this study, we design augmented reality (AR) waveguides with expanded pupil expander using surface relief gratings. The in- and out- coupling waveguides are based on slant gratings, while the other employs a meta-grating. The diffraction efficiencies of the gratings are thoroughly investigated as a function of the structure parameters. Through the segmentation and optimization of each zone, we have achieved a high level of uniformity and a nits per lumen value as high as 3700. Additionally, the thickness of the waveguide significantly influences the overall system's performance, underscoring the critical importance of combining appropriate designs to achieve optimal results.


Manuscript ID.  0044
Paper No.  2023-SAT-P0202-P011
Chien-Yu Hsu The Bidirectional 5 Gbps/50 m Free-Space Optical Communication System Based on TracePro Optical Design
Chien-Yu Hsu, Yu-Hsuan Chuan, Kun-Yu Tseng, Chih-Yi Tu, Chung-Yi Li, National Taipei University (Taiwan)

We propose and demonstrate a bidirectional free-space optical communication system based on TracePro optical design, achieving a data rate of 5 Gbps and a transmission distance of 50 meters. Through optical design and simulation in TracePro, the bidirectional transmission distance of the free-space optical communication system can reach 50 meters. In the actual experimental setup, a bidirectional 5 Gbps/50 m free-space optical communication system was successfully constructed using a DFB LD, a MZM, and optical lenses. According to experimental results, the bit error rate (BER) for both uplink and downlink transmission under 50 m free-space transmission reached 10-9.


Manuscript ID.  0124
Paper No.  2023-SAT-P0202-P012
Li-Yu Chen Temperature-independent Mach-Zehnder interferometer filters based on silicon nitride waveguides
Li-Yu Chen, Chun-Ta Wang, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan); Wen-Hsien Huang, Hsing-Hsiang Wang, Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute (Taiwan)

We have designed a temperature-insensitive MZI filter in the C-band with a free spectral range of 20 nm. By adjusting the waveguide widths, we reduced the temperature dependence of the wavelength from 16 to 0.05 pm/°C. This design minimizes the effect of external temperature variations.


Manuscript ID.  0611
Paper No.  2023-SAT-P0202-P013
Po-Jui Lai Verifying the feasibility of numerical approximation with Taylor’s series on the nonlinear Mach-Zehnder Modulator (MZM) transfer function
Po-Jui Lai, Jian-Feng Lan, Fu-Kai Shih, Kai-Ming Feng, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)

In this study, we construct an efficient way to discuss the nonlinear effect of Mach-Zehnder Modulator. Furthermore, we test the feasibility of this mathematics model, which can help us to analyze the fiber-optic THz communication system in the future..


Manuscript ID.  1132
Paper No.  2023-SAT-P0202-P014
Yong-Xuan Lee C-band Dual-Mode DFBLD for Heterodyned sub-THz Carrier Synthesis
Szu-En Lai, You-Xin Wang, Shih-Chang Hsu, Yu-Hsiang Cheng, Gong-Ru Lin, National Taiwan University (Taiwan); Chih-Hsien Cheng, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (Japan); Yong-Xuan Lee, National Taiwan University (Taiwan)

The concurrent lasing of dual longitudinal modes within the same resonant cavity
of a C-band distributed feedback laser diode (DFBLD) lasing at 1550 nm is demonstrated to
perform the optoelectronic heterodyned synthesis of wireless sub-THz carrier at central
frequency of 323-324 GHz. With current and temperature dependent wavelength tunability of
d/dI=0.02 nm/mA and d/dT~0.14 nm/oC, the optically heterodyned sub-THz carrier
exhibits its central frequency tunability of dfTHz/dI=0.04 GHz/mA and dfTHz/dT=0.11 GHz/oC
after fine adjustment for meeting the need of future wireless communication applications.