Session Index

S3. Quantum Electronics and Laser Technology

Quantum Electronics and Laser Technology III
Saturday, Dec. 2, 2023  10:45-12:00
Presider: Prof. Chan-Shan Yang (National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan) Prof. Pei-Hsun Wang (National Central University, Taiwan)
Room: 92177 (1F)
10:45 - 11:00 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0917
Paper No.  2023-SAT-S0303-O001
Yu-Zhi Fu 20 μW High-Harmonic EUV Generation Using a Sub-100-Watt Postcompressed Ytterbium Laser
Yu-Zhi Fu, Ming-Shian Tsai, Yu-En Chien, I-Hsueh Li, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan); Sunny Saurabh, National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (Taiwan); Chih-Wei Luo, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Ping-Hui Lin, National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (Taiwan); Ming-Chang Chen, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)

In this work, we successfully postcompressed a high power (80 W) and high pulse energy (800 μJ) Yb laser from 187 fs to 30 fs with high energy efficiency of 94.3% using cascaded focus and compression (CASCADE). By utilizing this high-power Yb laser for high HHG, we generate coherent EUV radiation with an average power that reached as high as 20 μW (~2×1012 photons/sec), spanning the range from 45 to 70 eV.

11:00 - 11:15 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0954
Paper No.  2023-SAT-S0303-O002
Sheng-Hung Wang Long-Distance Time-Frequency Entanglement Distribution via Fiber Networks
Sheng-Hung Wang, Pin-Ju Tsai, Yen-Hung Chen, National Central University (Taiwan)

Time-frequency entanglement has been highly regarded in quantum technology due to its high-dimensional entanglement and resistance to practical disturbances. In this work, we utilize a Franson interferometer to verify the time-frequency entanglement of photon pairs generated from spontaneous parametric down-conversion. We observed a high visibility of 94% in the nonlocal two-photon interference. We further demonstrate the advantages of time-frequency entanglement by distributing the two photons through a 2.64 km fiber network at the NCU campus, and achieve an interference visibility of 88.9%, which surpasses the classical limit of 70.7% by a significant margin.

11:15 - 11:30 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0280
Paper No.  2023-SAT-S0303-O003
Chih-Ying Lien THz Free Electron Laser Using Helically Corrugated Waveguide
Chih-Ying Lien, Hossein Shirvani, Yen-Chieh Huang, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)

We present the study of a THz free-electron laser consisting of 5 mm helically corrugated waveguide driven by a 10-mA annular electron beam at 30 keV. The structure is made of an M1.6 Metric thread in copper. The device is capable of generating laser-like radiation at the frequency of ~0.261 THz via backward-wave oscillation. Electron bunching is observed in our simulation study. We show that the coherent THz radiation and electron energy modulation have a helical profile due to the electron synchronism with a coupled higher-order TM mode satisfying the boundary condition of the helical corrugation inside the waveguide.

11:30 - 11:45 Award Candidate (Paper Competition)
Manuscript ID.  0500
Paper No.  2023-SAT-S0303-O004
Kai-Hsun CHANG In-situ study of multi-wavelength NIR OPOs and yellow-orange lasers from monolithic nonlinear photonic crystal
Kai-Hsun CHANG, National Taiwan University (Taiwan), Université Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cité (France); Jie-Hua LAI, Ming-Shun TSAI, Hung-Hsiang CHIU, Chia-Chun FAN, National Taiwan University (Taiwan); Safia Mohand Ousaid, Azzedine BOUDRIOUA, Université Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cité (France); Chih-Ming LAI, Industrial Technology Research Institute (Taiwan); Lung-Han PENG, National Taiwan University (Taiwan)

We reported the use of monolithic quasi-phase-matched nonlinear photonic crystal(QPM-NPC) to enable simultaneous dual-optical parametric oscillations(OPOs) followed by serial up-conversion processes to generate tri-wavelength yellow-orange lasers. We further resolve the spatial distribution of the OPO wavelengths and the up-conversion components inside cavity. Despite the non-resonant dual-signals were spatially separated due to path-enabled QPM conditions, the resonant counterpart of the dual-idlers, however, maintained spatially overlapped and so did on the generated yellow-orange waves. These results suggest that the parallel QPM-NPC design can generate multi-oscillations of OPOs simultaneously, and it can also assist in the generation of spatially overlapped multi-wavelength visible lasers.

11:45 - 12:00
Manuscript ID.  0702
Paper No.  2023-SAT-S0303-O005
Min-Hua Chuang Modeling and Simulation of Passive and Hybrid Mode-locked Figure-9 Fiber Lasers by Nonlinear Traveling Pulse Propagation
Chun-Yu Wu, Min-Hua Chuang, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Wei-Wei Hsiang, Fu Jen Catholic University (Taiwan); Yinchieh Lai, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

We perform comparative modeling and simulation of a passive fs and a hybrid ps figure-9 mode-locked Er-doped fiber lasers by using the nonlinear traveling pulse propagation approach. The split-step FFT method is used to solve the generalized Nonlinear-Schrödinger-Equation for roundtrip propagation, allowing us to observe the lasing dynamics accurately.