Session Index

S3. Quantum Electronics and Laser Technology

Quantum Electronics and Laser Technology IV
Saturday, Dec. 2, 2023  13:00-15:00
Presider: Prof. Pi-Hui Tuan (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan) Prof. Shang-Da Yang (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
Room: 92177 (1F)
13:00 - 13:30
Manuscript ID.  1083
Paper No.  2023-SAT-S0304-I001
Invited Speaker:
JyhPyng Wang
Technical challenges on high-field laser assisted proton-boron fusion
JyhPyng Wang, Academia Sinica (Taiwan)

Proton-boron fusion is an interesting nuclear reaction because the reactants are non-radioactive and abundant on earth, and the reaction produces alpha particles without emitting neutrons. However, the activation energy of proton-boron fusion is 0.6 MeV, an order of magnitude larger than deuterium-tritium fusion. This large activation energymakes proton-boron fusion impractical in a thermal environment confined by magnetic field. Although it is not difficult to accelerate protons to 0.6 MeV by conventional accelerator or laser accelerator, because of the small ratio of fusion reaction cross section to proton-electron inelastic scattering cross section, most accelerated protons lose their kinetic energy to electrons instead of activating fusion reaction. In this talk, how high-field laser could hold the promise of mitigating these problems is discussed. The extremely large ponderomotive force and optical pressure of high-field laser not only can be utilized to accelerate protons, but also to expel electrons away from the path of laser beam and protons synchronously. Laser induced strong magnetic field may also be critical to confining the protons along the laser path against Rutherford scattering. Implementation of these ideas will meet great technical challenges which may be overcome by future development of high-field laser technology.

13:30 - 13:45
Manuscript ID.  0508
Paper No.  2023-SAT-S0304-O001
Li-Zhi Lin Exploring Chiral Stimulated Emission in Optical Cavities: Towards a Chiral Laser with Dye and PTPO Thin-Film Mirror
Li-Zhi Lin, Yi-Jan Huang, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Lorenzo Di Bari, Università di Pisa (Greece); Randall Goldsmith, University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA); Chia-Yen Huang, Tzu-Ling Chen, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

In recent developments, cavity-enhanced optical chirality, represented by circular dichroism (CD), has been successfully demonstrated through the incorporation of special organic thin films within an optical cavity. This chiral amplification in CD-active cavities presents a promising pathway for constructing a chiral laser. In this paper, we explore the potential of constructing a chiral laser utilizing the dye POPOP as the laser gain medium, along with an optical cavity consisting of an output coupler and a high reflective (HR) coverslip mirror deposited with PTPO.

13:45 - 14:00
Manuscript ID.  0100
Paper No.  2023-SAT-S0304-O002
Wei-Ru Chen Generating laser geometric modes with orthogonally polarized states in a concave-convex cavity
Wei-Ru Chen, Pi-Hui Tuan, National Chung Cheng University (Taiwan)

Geometric modes with orthogonally polarized states are generated and explored in an off-axis pumped c-cut Nd:YVO4 laser with a symmetric concave-convex resonator. Due to the inherent birefringence of gain crystal, it is interesting to discover that the polarized state of the geometric modes under the same transverse-longitudinal coupling condition can be switched from s- to p-polarization when tuning from a shorter to a longer cavity.

14:00 - 14:15
Manuscript ID.  0546
Paper No.  2023-SAT-S0304-O003
Cang He Kuo High-power LED-pumped Nd:YAG Q-switched laser
Cang He Kuo, Xuan-Long Ho, Jie-Ru Chen, Ming-Hsiung Wu, Yen-Chieh Huang, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)

We demonstrated, to the best of our knowledge, the first electro-optically Q-switched LED-pumped Nd:YAG laser with the highest peak power on record. The measured output laser-pulse energy is 64.2 mJ within a 28-ns pulse width, corresponding to a peak power of 2.3 MW.

14:15 - 14:30
Manuscript ID.  0112
Paper No.  2023-SAT-S0304-O004
Chi-Yao Shan Study of oxide apertures in multi-junction VCSEL arrays
Chi-Yao Shan, Tien-Chang Lu, Cheng-Chun Chen, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

We investigated the characteristics of VCSELs with varying structures, including different numbers of junctions and oxide apertures. We verified the performance of VCSELs under different short pulse. Throughout the study, we demonstrated the advantages of multi-junction VCSELs featuring a greater number of apertures are higher SE and lower threshold, attributed to their superior carrier confinement capabilities. Over 50W output can be achieved at 20A short pulse driving condition.

14:30 - 14:45
Manuscript ID.  0960
Paper No.  2023-SAT-S0304-O005
LY LY NGUYEN THI Digital laser with two controlled resonator boundaries for generating vortex beams with tunable orbital angular momentum
LY LY NGUYEN THI, KUO-CHIH CHANG, SHU-CHUN CHU, National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)

This study introduces a novel digital laser setup with two adjustable phase boundaries to create orbital angular momentum (OAM) laser beams. Experiments confirm the effective generation of vortex beams, offering control over both OAM and intensity profiles. This innovative digital laser configuration represents a promising solution for customizable OAM beam generation, with wide-ranging applications.

14:45 - 15:00
Manuscript ID.  0277
Paper No.  2023-SAT-S0304-O006
Yu-En Chien Isolated 200-as High-Harmonic EUV Pulses Generated by Post-Compressed 2-fs Pulses
Yu-En Chien, Ming-Shian Tsai, I-Hsueh Li, An-Yuan Liang, Ming-Chang Chen, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)

Intense 4.3-fs pulses at 1030 nm were focused into an Ar-filled gas cell, producing a 2-fs (sub-one-cycle) pulse, alongside isolated pulses lasting ~200 as, characterized by attosecond streaking. This study paves the way towards sub-one-cycle post-compression, advancing attosecond science.