16:00 - 16:15
Manuscript ID. 0492
Paper No. 2023-SAT-S0905-O001
Jin-Yen Lin
Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy with Photonic Crystal Guided Resonances
Jin-Yen Lin, Chi Ting Weng, Tzu-Hsun Huang, Wei-Chang Huang, Jia-Wun Liaw, Tsung-Bo Chen, Chun-Yu Yang, Han-Siang Jhuang, Yu-Hua Lin, Jui-Nung Liu, National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)
The local-field enhancement of the plasmonic resonances has been shown to amplify the typically weak vibrational signals from few molecules. However, until recently high-Q dielectric counterparts were employed as an alternative approach. Here, we further explore this direction by numerically studying surface-enhanced infrared spectroscopy with photonic crystal guided resonance (PCGR) microcavities. We show that coupling to a PCGR can lead to EIA-like enlarged infrared absorption of a deep-subwavelength-thick molecular layer by more than an order of magnitude.
16:15 - 16:30
Manuscript ID. 0677
Paper No. 2023-SAT-S0905-O002
An-Sheng Kuo
Highly Sensitive Diaphragm-based Fabry-Pérot Interferometer Gas Pressure Sensor by Using Vertically-Polished SMF and Vernier Effect
An-Sheng Kuo, Chin-Ping Yu, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan)
We propose a Fabry-Pérot interferometer (FPI) fiber pressure sensor formed by fiber splicing and vertical polishing technology. As the thickness of the single-mode fiber (SMF) is less than 1 μm, our sensor shows good sensing property to the environmental gas pressure. To improve the sensing sensitivity, we employ the Vernier effect induced by two parallel FPIs with similar cavity lengths. The maximum pressure sensitivity can be as high as 38.5 pm/psi with the magnification factor is about 12. Besides, the measured temperature sensitivity is 16.7 pm/℃.
16:30 - 16:45
Manuscript ID. 0207
Paper No. 2023-SAT-S0905-O003
Yu-Cheng Lin
Design of Loosy Mode Resonant Sensors Using Silicon Photonics Substrates
Yu-Cheng Lin, Zi-Yi Chu, Yu-Wei Hsu, Chien-Chung Liu, Chung-Yu Lin, Ming Chung University (Taiwan)
This paper presents a LMR (Lossy Mode Resonance) sensor based on a SOI (silicon-on-insulator) substrate, which finds applications in biomedical, chemical, and industrial sensing. The design utilizes the principle of multilayer thin-film reflection, where a silicon waveguide is grown on the SOI substrate and coated with an ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) thin film to form the LMR sensor. By optimizing the thickness of the components, the LMR sensor achieves a resonant wavelength of 0.857 µm and a sensitivity of 0.75 µm/RIU.
16:45 - 17:00
Manuscript ID. 0392
Paper No. 2023-SAT-S0905-O004
Martin Kyselak
Power Supply of Multichannel Polarization Fiber-optic Temperature Sensors with Using Wavelength Division Multiplexing
Martin Kyselak, Jiri Vavra, University of Defense (Czech Republic); David Grenar, Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic); Karel Slavicek, Masaryk University (Czech Republic)
This article demonstrates the possibility of using wavelength-division multiplexing and polarization-division multiplexing to power-supply temperature sensors. The advantages of fiber-optic polarization sensors are their light weight, inertness, and the absence of electricity, which make them suitable for use in environments with a high possibility of an explosion. Polarization multiplexing increases the capacity of existing single-mode routes and allows the simultaneous power supply of the sensor and data transmission on one wavelength. The sensor’s sensitivity was tested by applying a container at different temperatures and by pendulum swinging. The results were evaluated by an optical power meter and a polarimeter.