Session Index

S9. Optical Sensing

Poster Session III
Sunday, Dec. 3, 2023  09:00-11:00
Room: Building of Electrical Engineering (電機系館) (B1)

Manuscript ID.  0758
Paper No.  2023-SUN-P0903-P001
Chia-Chi Chen Polarization interferometer for measuring the full-field refractive index
Chia-Chi Chen, Chin-Jung Chuang, National Dong Hwa University (Taiwan)

In this paper, a polarization interferometer was proposed to measure the full-field refractive index. This apparatus is designed based on the concept of Twyman-Green interferometer, so it has the advantages of simple structure, easy operation and high accuracy. In the experiment, a BK7 plate glass and a quartz glass have been used to verify the feasibility of this method, and the measurement error can be controlled within 2%.


Manuscript ID.  0511
Paper No.  2023-SUN-P0903-P002
Chia Hsun Lu An Experimental Investigation of Surface Spectral Reflectance Recovery Using a Camera
Chia Hsun Lu, Yuan Ze University (Taiwan); Yu-Che Wen, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan); Senfar Wen, Yuan Ze University (Taiwan)

The surface spectral reflectance recovery was experimentally investigated using incandescent lamps and synthetic white lamps, respectively. Two ColorCheckers were used as samples. Sample images were captured with a camera. The results show that the experimental results agree with the stimulation results well. The mean root mean square error of the spectral reflectance recovered using incandescent lamps is lower than that of synthetic white lamps.


Manuscript ID.  0977
Paper No.  2023-SUN-P0903-P003
Ke-Cheng Huang Simulation and Measurement Analysis of Infrared Absorption of Microplastics
Pei-Chun Tseng, Ke-Cheng Huang, Yi-Chun Chen, National Central University (Taiwan)

This study focuses on the simulation and measurement of infrared absorption of microplastics. The measuring configuration consists of an infrared light source, a collimating lens, the sample in a cuvette, a focusing lens and a detector. The tested samples includes different numbers of microplastic spheres in air and in water. Moreover, an optical simulation software ASAP is used to simulate the optical measurements. When 1000 microplastics are immersed in water, the change in transmitted intensity is measured to be approximately 23%. The simulated value for the same setup is around 26%. The experimental and simulated results are highly consistent.


Manuscript ID.  0020
Paper No.  2023-SUN-P0903-P004
Yung-Yi Chuang Phosphorescence and Fluorescence Lifetime Detection based on Multi-Frequency Harmonics Excitation
Yung-Yi Chuang, Zhen-De Lin, Yi-Chun Chen, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

We demonstrated a custom-built phosphorescence and fluorescence lifetime system, which featured measuring range from 0.1 ns to 5 μs, and temporal resolving power of <0.1 ns. In order to achieve the selected temporal range of lifetime measurement, we performed multi-frequency harmonics excitation to the luminescence materials. The homodyning system included a FPGA card which provided fundamental frequency to modulate the PMT, and chosen harmonics for LEDs modulation. As high-power multi-die LEDs were used, simultaneous and alternative measurements of phosphorescence and fluorescence lifetimes were made possible. This system might contribute to the study of advanced luminescence device and complex biomedical systems.


Manuscript ID.  1011
Paper No.  2023-SUN-P0903-P005
Yu-Chuan Chiu Research of High Responsivity Amorphous Indium Tungsten Oxide Phototransistor for Blue Light detection
Yu-Chuan Chiu, Yu-Han Chen, Po-Tsun Liu, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)

A single layer of amorphous InWO is chosen as the channel material for a thin film transistor (TFT)-based driver and sensing layer for a blue-light sensor, respectively, with a completely compatible process integrated into in-cell embedded photo sensor architecture. The photo sensor exhibits a high optical responsivity and good signal to noise ratio under the blue light illumination. Afterwards, the detail studies and important issues about the sensing and material characteristics of a-IWO thin film in the TFT sensor are discussed.


Manuscript ID.  0852
Paper No.  2023-SUN-P0903-P006
Wei-Hsiang Chen Application of Reflective Multi-Frequency Sensor in the Terahertz Range
Wei-Hsiang Chen, Yu-Sheng Chen, National Taiwan Normal University (Taiwan); Chien-Hua Chen, National Ilan University (Taiwan); Chan-Shan Yang, National Taiwan Normal University (Taiwan)

We design a metamaterial for reflective terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. The ability of metamaterials in modulating terahertz waves has attracted people's attention, but conventional micro-nano fabrication encounters the limitation of unit cell size, requiring complex steps and expensive equipment. To overcome these obstacles, we propose a 3D-printed terahertz metamaterial sensor for multi-frequency sensing using a simple double-slit configuration. Using the finite element method, the absorption spectra, electromagnetic field distribution, and blood component sensing capabilities of the metamaterials were evaluated. Our work highlights the potential of the designed metamaterial fabrication process.


Manuscript ID.  0857
Paper No.  2023-SUN-P0903-P007
Devi Taufiq Nurrohman Plasmonic Multimodal Simulation: A Computational Study of SPR and SERS Biosensor Integration
Nan-Fu Chiu, Devi Taufiq Nurrohman, National Taiwan Normal University (Taiwan)

Recently, research on dual-mode biosensors has been gaining increasing interest to
improve the performance of biosensors. In this paper, a computational study is carried out on
SPR chips modified with AuNPs. AuNPs of different sizes were investigated for their SPR
curves and field enhancement factors. The results of this numerical investigation are expected
to be used as a basis for the development of a dual mode biosensor based on SPR/SERS.


Manuscript ID.  0425
Paper No.  2023-SUN-P0903-P008
Hien Thuy Quy Tran DNA detection by Al-decorated nitride SERS substrates
Hien Thuy Quy Tran, Chien Fan-Ching, Lai Kun-Yu, National Central University (Taiwan)

Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) is a technique that cooperates excitation laser spectroscopy along with the characteristic of nanostructured materials, consequently boosting Raman signals. SERS substrate is developed to detect many kinds of different biomolecules. Al-decorated nitride SERS substrate was fabricated for DNA detection, which was expected for practical application. In that, investigating DNA molecules have been reported in various studies. This SERS substrate can detect a 19-mer DNA with the concentration down to 1E-6 M by using 488nm excitation laser wavelength.


Manuscript ID.  0196
Paper No.  2023-SUN-P0903-P009
Chun-Tse Cheng Design of Directional Coupler Based Wavelength-Division Multiplexing on Silicon Photonics
Chun-Tse Cheng, Yu-Cheng Lin, Wen-chin Shen, Pin-Chun Chou, Wen-ru Wang, Ming Chuan University (Taiwan)

This study utilizes silicon photonics SOI as the structure to design a wavelength demultiplexer, serving as a simplified spectrometer. The demultiplexing principle involves the use of directional couplers, with adjustable parameters to design four-wavelength wavelength demultiplexers. The dimensions of the device are 250.5 μm in length and 3.6 μm in width, achieving an extinction ratio of 26.9 dB.


Manuscript ID.  1045
Paper No.  2023-SUN-P0903-P010
LIANG ZHANG Optical Pen with wide viewing angle for Optical Identification
LIANG ZHANG, Charlse Kwon, Hoseo University (Korea); Chul Gyu Jhun, BONA INC (Korea)

Optical identification (OID) is a technology that can hide digital data and capture
hidden digital data in general printed materials, which can be hidden in general printed
materials through standard printing procedures and standard inks, and coexist with the original
patterns on the printed materials. Through the optical and image processing technology of the
OID Pen, the data hidden in the print can be retrieved. We propose a new idea for the structure
of the OID Pen tip.


Manuscript ID.  0104
Paper No.  2023-SUN-P0903-P011
Ming-Fong Li Temperature and Strain Sensing by Using LC-filled Fiber MZI Structure
Ming-Fong Li, Chin-Ping Yu, National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan)

We propose a Mach-Zehnder interferometer fiber sensor formed by filling liquid crystals into a hollow-core fiber (HCF). With the help of MMF, the interference of the cord mode and cladding mode of the HCF can be successfully induced to form a MZI. The measured results show that the temperature sensitivity can be as high as to 825.79 pm/℃ with the strain sensitivity is 2.87 pm/με.


Manuscript ID.  0512
Paper No.  2023-SUN-P0903-P012
Ci-Ping Jhang Flexible Photodetectors on Graphite Substrate with Effective Thermal Management
Ci-Ping Jhang, Peng-Chi Wang, Wei-Chen Tu, National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)

As the chip has a higher performance and efficiency, devices are made more denser,
making the heat dissipation an important engineering problem. In the study, we realize a
flexible and high-performance photodetector with an effective thermal management through
the use of a graphite substrate. The device can be completely bent with a radius of curvature of
1 cm. After being bent 1000 times, the photodetector still has outstanding photoresponse,
indicating that it has the excellent potential for the applications of flexible systems.


Manuscript ID.  0989
Paper No.  2023-SUN-P0903-P013
Xiao-Dong Wang Automated Program Developed for Scanning Resonance Frequencies and Absorption Spectra
Xiao-Dong Wang, Che-Chung Chou, Tyson Lin, Feng Chia University (Taiwan)

By employing automated control to perform frequency scanning, time needed for manual measurement of resonance frequency and Q facto of quartz oscillator is reduced. Furthermore, integration of data acquisition and processing systems allows for real-time data acquisition and fitting.


Manuscript ID.  0615
Paper No.  2023-SUN-P0903-P014
Ching-Yao Chang Wide-Bandgap Ga2O3-based Nanostructures Photodetectors by Hydrothermal Method
Po-Yi Li, National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan); Hao-Ying Lu, National Quemoy University (Taiwan); Sheng-Po Chang, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (Taiwan); Ching-Yao Chang, Jone-Fang Chen, Shoou-Jinn Chang, National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)

This research focuses on the growth of Ga2O3 nanostructures by hydrothermal method and investigates their properties as photodetectors. Gallium oxide (Ga2O3) is a promising material for optoelectronic applications due to its wide bandgap and high electron mobility. The study involved the synthesis of Ga2O3 nanostructures using the hydrothermal method, followed by structural characterization using techniques such as XRD and SEM. Photodetectors were fabricated using Ga2O3 nanostructures annealed at various temperatures, and their performance in terms of responsivity, response ratio, and switch-on time was systematically examined. This study provides valuable insights into utilizing Ga2O3 nanostructures for high-performance photodetection devices.


Manuscript ID.  1117
Paper No.  2023-SUN-P0903-P015
Long-Jeng Lee The Study of Sediment core by Development of Longer Scanning Hyperspectral Spectral Imager
Long-Jeng Lee, Taiwan Instrument Research Institute, National Applied Research Laboratories (Taiwan); Chienhsun Chen, Taiwan Ocean Research Institute, National Applied Research Laboratory (Taiwan)

The spectra image data could be used to estimate the distribution of different types of sediment particles in the sediment core, and based on this, the specific benefits of this integrated system in marine sediment cores. The sample of sediment core, the die seagrass was deposition within. The hyperspectral image and reflectance image of sediment core were presented for discussion.


Manuscript ID.  1103
Paper No.  2023-SUN-P0903-P016
Wei-Hao Jian Self-Powered High Performance Cd3As2/CdZnTe/Si Photodetector Operating in the UV to Mid-Infrared
Wei-Hao Jian, You Wei Kee, Ting-Wei Hsu, Hung-Chi Yao, Hsin-Hsuan Lee, Jyong-Han Wu, Chung Yuan Christian University (Taiwan); Chun-Han Yao, Ruei-San Chen, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan); Zhi-Xiang Wang, Chung Yuan Christian University (Taiwan)

A Cd3As2/CdZnTe/Si heterostructure was grown by MBE to be used as a photodetector, with photocurrent being detected from 375 nm to 4.6 µm wavelength. Under an exposed light of 1064 nm wavelength, the photoresponsivity was measured to be 0.52 A/W, with an on/off current ratio of 1.3 × 106 and detectivity of 5.5 × 1011 Jones. While the on/off photoresponse time under 405 nm wavelength was 3.4/67.3 µs.