One-Page Results Report Submission

The information below is for those whose research is funded by Photonics Program, National Science and Technology Council (NSTC, formerly known as MOST), R.O.C. (Taiwan).


  • If you DO NOT plan to submit any manuscript to OPTIC 2023, please submit your 1-page results report by clicking “NSTC (MOST) Report Submission” in your OPTIC 2023 account. In this case, you will still need an OPTIC 2023 account to submit the report.
    若您僅參加「光電學門計畫成果發表」投稿OPTIC 2023者,完成帳號建立並於取得帳號後,點選 “NSTC (MOST) Report Submission” 上傳國科會1頁成果即可。(請依Paper Preparation Guidelines 中 Style Guide and Manuscript Template所提供之模板精簡成一頁。)

  • If you plan to submit a manuscript to OPTIC 2023 and wish to use it as the results report for the Photonics Program, NSTC (MOST), you will be directed to do so when submitting your manuscript. No need to submit the 1-page report separately.
    若您為光電學門計畫成果,並同時要投稿OPTIC 2023者,僅需於OPTIC 2023研討會上傳2頁成果,需兩邊皆投稿。

  • The deadline for the report submission is the same as that of the manuscript submission.

  • Please make sure that the report follows the style guide described in the MSword template and is within the 1-page limit.

  • Should you have any questions about one-page results report submission, please contact: Ms. Hui-Ru Lin.
    Email: /  Tel: 02-2730-1117

 Important Dates

Paper Submission Opening:

Paper Submission Deadline:
2023/09/06 (Final Extension!)

Poster-Only Postdeadline Submission:

Registration Opening:

Acceptance Notification:

Early Bird Registration Deadline:

Online Registration Deadline:

Conference Days:

Tainan-city WEATHER